Concerning Money:
I have always been on the Hatred side of the money debate. Which is still true in it's essence. Previously, I was always using hate to explain my absence, negative, and stupidity with any amount or type of money I came across. It started when I was about fourteen. Not to go too far into this, it's not going to be that long of a post. The first big amount of money I had ever saved up at the time, which is past perfect tense, was exactly 37 dollars. One ten, 2 fives, and seventeen 1's. It took me a few months, and around 5 different hidden locations to save up that enormous chunk of change. I mean sure now I pay 37 dollars for a few bottles of evil serum, but I was like 13 or 14. Because I lived with four brothers, well three step-brothers and a sister, I shared a room and trusted no one. I hid my money in pockets of shorts hidden in the bottom of my sock drawer. I had money hidden in half full Band-Aid Bubble gum containers, that I sat on my dresser in plain sight, to further disguise.
My point is, I blew every cent I had on lunch one day. I wasted all of that time and stealth for Mill Street Diner. My brother worked there, and I walked one day and bought him lunch. I am such a good person.
Later, when I became dependent on making money to live, at age 17, is when I learned to really hate money. I was treating money with a performance goal oriented motivation, as my psychology professor, when I should have looked at it in a Mastery Goal light. Money is something you have to over come. The only way to do that is to learn everything there is to know about it. For me anyway, this meant to learn what happens in every situation when I needed it, but didn't have it.
I have lied, stolen, cheated, and wronged people as the earlier version of Brandon. That Brandon, who I realize still is me, never made it easy for himself when he tried. As my father taught me, I would always be the best teacher of myself. I am still learning, but money should be handled thusly: "Have it. Don't waste it, and don't hoard it!" - Brandon Brake
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